2013 westward ho! 2/?
Hello again hello,
Today I have received a crazy amount of emails, text, FBs and calls regarding yesterdays post. Thank you all so much for taking that time to acknowledge me. It seem that yesterdays set of images has set people in motion, gave them drive and permission to snap the shutter for themselves first! I am thrilled that this happened but sad that so many people don't see photography as an art form any more. Who can book the most, charge the most and get published the most is all that seems to be on photographers minds these days. So many have just forgotten about the simple magic that happens when you make an image. You see a scene that just seems right in your mind. You quickly find the light that you need to bend it into the image how YOU see it. The moment is now there and BANG. You stop time. You make history. You have witnessed something unique that will never happen again and that will now be viewed by anyone who looks upon the image through your eyes. Make images that speak to you. Listen closely... they are always there. Now you just hope that someone else out there can understand your language. I have always felt that photography is my first language and English is my second. I usually can say something more clearly with an image than my mouth. So I will just shut up now and hope someone understands my language. Not everyone, just someone.
This group exemplifies that less is more. Simple quite monochromes.
Keep on clickin'
parker j
Angels Landing in snow Zion NP, UT
Zion NP in snow, UT
Zion NP in snow, UT
Zion NP in snow, UT
Bryce Canyon NP deer in snow, UT
Zion NP , UT
Bisti Badlands Wilderness, NM
Spire and road Monument Valley area, AZ
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley NP, CA
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley NP, CA
Zabriskie Point, Death Valley NP, CA
15 Min exposure of a cloud factory in Page, AZ
Telephone lines and spire in Arizona.
Windmill well demand. NM
Cowboy I met at a gas station in UT out looking for sheds (deer antlers) with his family.
Cowboy I met at a gas station in UT out looking for sheds (deer antlers) with his family.
A family of trees in north Texas on a journey.
I know, right? Yea that was a 4 foot mirror bouncing the light in his eyes. Thanks RJ Kern!
The long road to a ghost town in Death Valley NP, CA
A lone hiker in Zion NP, UT at night.